We Believe...

Healing begins when you take ownership of your personal path to wholeness. Challenging old ways of thinking and choosing is imperative to change. In our sessions we will identify unhelpful patterns and incorporate an array of creative resources to make the changes you’ve been wanting to see in your life.

After dealing with the dumpster fires of my own history, I have discovered the beauty of helping others do the same. I believe healing should be contagious! 

I am a Master Practitioner of NLP, MER®, and Hypnotherapy, specializing in trauma release and emotional resilience coaching. I have a biology degree from the University of Texas at Austin (Hook ‘Em Horns) and side note, I adore geeking out and exploring all things neuroscience/neural retraining. 

Hey there, I'm Heidi.

If you’re ready to be challenged and take action, I’m here for you.

and I’m really into helping people dump their baggage. 

Mental and Emotional Release® is a registered trademark of Advanced Neuro Dynamics, Inc. and is exclusively licensed to the Association for Integrative Psychology, Inc.

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