here's to wholeness

Virtual coaching for healing trauma, shifting mindsets, and creating lasting change.

We respect each individual’s model of the world as we look to identify blocks and limiting beliefs. Our goal is for you to be empowered to make the changes you want to see in your life. From forgiveness to emotional release, we will work together to clear trauma and create lasting change. 

Our approach to healing

Are you looking to...

Find spiritual and emotional support?

Release and clear trauma?

Remove destructive patterns?

Create change?

The reviews

“Heidi’s knowledge and guidance has helped me to understand myself, the unhelpful thought patterns and unconscious beliefs that were leaving me feeling stuck. I feel so much more peaceful and powerful after working with her.”


“My experience with Heidi has been literally life changing. In my sessions she led me into much greater communication and presence with Jesus. Her skillful use of questions to guide these meetings … has brought great freedom from anxiety, destructive ways of thinking and harmful self-talk.”


“I hadn’t been able to cry in months, and all of a sudden I was crying, 5 minutes after arriving. At my very first session, I let go of a lot of fear and trauma.”


“Heidi has a beautiful way of interweaving neuroscience, God’s presence and truth, and our own wisdom from the Holy Spirit in a way that releases unhelpful beliefs and brings forth divine wisdom and lasting peace.”


"I have been blessed immensely through the Holy's Spirit's use of Heidi to lead me through specific prayers and visualizations that have led to greater peace, joy and comfort in my healing journey. This experience has provided relief and awareness that I have searched for for years."


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